Saturday 29 September 2012

FOURTH 24 HOURS (28th to 29th SEPT)

Every Saturday morning, approximately 1000 local teachers descend on Penryn School for the Penreach Project. The word ‘local’ is relative here, because in fact teachers will come from as far away as 200 miles for this, often driving through the night to get there.

This ground-breaking and award-winning project involves a Penryn School team taking responsibility for training the generally unqualified teachers who work in schools in deprived South African townships. In fact, the number of teachers touched by this project is nearer 2000, with different teachers attending in different weeks, and the number of children who indirectly benefit as a result is incalculable. All part of the long slow post-Apartheid drive towards genuine equality.

The night before we were treated to a superbly professional dance show, performed by the OWLAG dancers. OWLAG is an acronym for the Oprah Winfrey Leadership Academy for Girls, founded by Oprah after a visit to South Africa around ten years ago, with the specific mission of educating talented but disadvantaged girls from the local township. Boy, were they talented!

With OWLAG being officially inducted into the Round Square the same evening, rumours abounded that Oprah herself would be appearing as our guest speaker, therefore, it was initially something of an anticlimax to find that our speaker was a humble park ranger and photographer called Kim Wolhuter. We need not have been disappointed! Kim, it turns out, is a quite remarkable man who has studied animal behaviour to such a degree that he can now romp with wild leopards and hyenas. He never carries a firearm: “If I’m stupid enough to push the boundaries too far in the quest for a better photograph, an animal does not deserve to die as a result.”

It turned out the Oprah rumour was not entirely false though! The next morning, 1000 local teachers in the Penreach Project received a live motivational talk from the lady herself via Skype. If nothing else, it will be life-changing for these people to realise that someone so famous thinks they are important.

For more information, check out

Tom Vignoles
Felsted School 
Deputy Head (Co-Curricular)

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