Sunday 30 September 2012

FIFTH 24 HOURS (29th to 30th SEPT)

If you are reading this and thinking, ‘This sounds good but full on’, then you are right – it is! The schedule is jam-packed with guest speakers, presentations, events and activities. But perhaps, for our students, the most important element of a Round Square Conference is simply the opportunity to interact with so many students from so many other countries and cultures. By day two, all of our students had fully overcome any initial nerves and shyness which they may have felt. By day five, the situation of mixing with so many people from so many different backgrounds has simply become ‘normal’.

When better, therefore, to throw a party?

Billed as The Evening Under the Stars, this was most definitely an opportunity for everyone to let their hair down. We were driven by coach into what seemed a remote mountainous area and then had to climb up a steep set of stairs – and there, miraculously at the top, was a large party-venue. Live bands all night, barbecued food under the stars and, at the climax, 200 or so bongos released to the audience for half an hour of inspirational communal drumming. The Round Square has got it all…

Tom Vignoles
Felsted School 
Deputy Head (Co-Curricular)

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