Sunday 13 October 2013


As the tired but exhilarated team return home, they have been reflecting on some of the highlights of the week ...

EMIL: The conference offered a lot of diversity, and there are many things to take away from the conference in terms of culture but also attitude towards the world around us. Having spent a whole week with people from all across the world, I personally gained a better understanding of the different attitudes people from other cultural backgrounds have, and how people from other countries have to be understood, communicated with and managed differently from people from the same cultural background as yourself. The theme" Waves of Change" was brought across very well by Saint Andrew's school. It motivated me to change the world to a better place whilst holding on to my dreams, but always thinking in a favourable way about the community we are living in.

HUGH: Having now experienced the entire Florida conference, I can safely say that choosing a highlight is damn-near impossible. The adventure, service and environmental days were all educational and inspiring, while the football game and dance were also highlights. The environmental day at the Everglades was particularly stimulating as it showed us not only the different cultures of the world, but also the differing environments. I think the conference has inspired me to follow the IDEALS further in life outside of school.

LUISE: Overall the conference was an amazing experience and I have taken away many things from it. On one hand, meeting and essentially living with over 400 other people from all around the world has encouraged me to look at the world we live in on a greater spectrum and larger scale. The different environmental, activity and service days made me appreciate the world we live in much more and I can truly say that we, the entire conference, have started Waves of Change globally.

Living in an American host family, I was warmly welcomed, felt at home easily and can say that not one opportunity was missed to have fun. I shared this experience with three other girls, from Canada, South Africa and Switzerland, who I quickly became very close to. The different key note speakers gave a variety of view points on issues facing the world we are currently living in, as well as the issues we will have to face in the future. I generally feel inspired to be more conscious of my actions and willing to create a positive wave of change wherever I will go.

SHONA: After experiencing the entire Florida conference, I have found it hard to pick out an individual highlight. Having a week packed with adventure, leadership, service and inspiring talks it has really changed my view on everything. From football games to cultural evenings and Barazas, I have really come out of my comfort zone and experienced a whole new world. From the trip I can safely say that I learnt a lot of people are very similar and that you can make a change if you really put your mind to it. After learning more about the IDEALS, in future I will hope to take on board an RSIS project to help the people in need and maybe get involved with more charities to help out and make a change.

CHLOE: Personally I found that the whole conference was a highlight. The environmental, service and adventure aspects each had highlights of their own and the dance and football were also a big highlight and the perfect ending to the conference. Through the conference I was able to meet a wide variety of people from all over the world and from different cultures and backgrounds - this has taught me that it's important to take into consideration everything when working together, and to be able to work together we have to be accommodating and considerate of other people's views. The conference has also shown that no matter what country you come from or what cultural background you have, you can want the same thing from life and are able to work together with a variety of different people. Through this, I'm inspired to become more aware of my surroundings and the environment, and I've learnt that everyone can make a change, but in order to make a large change we must work together.

ANTHONY: This week has been a new and invigorating experience for me. I have been able to meet new people from many different cultures from around the world whilst being inspired by speakers who have had the opportunity to make a difference in modern culture, whether it be through building schools, lending short term loans to communities in Africa or ending the circle of poverty in Africa with the five steps necessary to form a sustainable community. However, the most impacting speech for me was the closing ceremony speaker because it opened my eyes to the technologies that have been discovered (yet are still not in the public domains) and the positive impact they could have on society if the right person was given control. Despite this, none of the speakers were able to contend with the amazing activity days ranging from a trip to the Everglades and talking to crocodiles (or alligators) to the day of adventure on the high ropes and building boats out of cardboard that were destined to fail. It is impossible to choose a highlight out of all this but the leadership talk has probably taught me the most on how to make an impact in my school, including influence over people attending an event.

Well, that pretty much wraps up this year's Round Square blog! Have we delivered on our promise of a life-changing experience? You can be the judge of that, but if you go back and re-read the first 'Hopes and Expectations' entry and compare it to this one, I don't think you will be left in much doubt ...

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